Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Child of Eden

Child of Eden

Estimated Price: EUR 29,99 (Check Latest Price)

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Product Description
Un universo sorprendente, fantastico e futuristico fa da sfondo a Child of Eden, nuovo capolavoro del noto sviluppatore di giochi Tesuya Mizuguchi. Immergiti in questo nuovo sparatutto multi-sensoriale, lasciati coinvolgere dalla musica e dai colori per una esperienza di gioco senza precedenti. Caratteristiche: UNESPERIENZA MULTI-SENSORIALE Child of Eden offre unesperienza di intrattenimento multi sensoriale che unisce una grafica mozzafiato ad un design sonoro innovativo, per colpire e strabiliare i sensi. Linterazione tra musica ed immagini crea un ambiente virtuale nel quale il giocatore pu perdersi in una miriade di colori e suoni, per poi ritrovarsi nel mondo di Eden. NUOVO SISTEMA DI CONTROLLI Child of Eden compatibile con Kinect, ma pu anche essere giocato con il tradizionale controller di Microsoft Xbox. Il controller Kinect dona al gioco una dimensione extra, fondendo gioco e giocatore ed eliminando qualunque barriera di tipo fisico. Utilizza il corpo per muovere la visuale e le mani per bloccarla e colpirla, per unesperienza sparatutto completamente nuova.

Child of Eden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Child of Eden is a rhythm action game created by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, best known for Rez, developed by Q Entertainment and published by Ubisoft. The game announcement ... child of eden New Ubisoft Child Of Eden Kinect Required For Xbox 360 Multi-Sensory Effect Excellent Performance (Video Game) Child of Eden - Child of Eden trailers, reviews, release dates, news, screenshots, walkthroughs, cheats, and more on GameSpot. Children of Eden - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Children of Eden is a two-act musical play with music and lyrics by Stephen Schwartz and a book by John Caird. The musical is based on the Book of Genesis. Act I ... Child of Eden In the Darkness, a strand of light appears. Shortly after, many more strands appear, forming together like the veins of a leaf. As you shoot out bursts of light ... Child of Eden - Xbox 360 - IGN - Video Games, Wikis, Cheats ... IGN is the Child of Eden (Xbox 360) resource with reviews, wikis, videos, trailers, screenshots, cheats, walkthroughs, previews, news and release dates Child Of Eden: Xbox 360: Video Games Child of Eden is the "multi-sensory shooter" that will send players diving into a kaleidoscopic matrix of synchronized music and mind-blowing visuals that will usher ... Child of Eden for Xbox 360 GameStop GameStop: Buy Child of Eden, UbiSoft, Xbox 360, Find release dates, customer reviews, previews and screenshots. Child of Eden Ubisoft Child of Eden Official Website. Video game jointly created by Q Entertainment and Ubisoft. Release planned on both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 using Kinect technology Child Of Eden - E3 Trailer - YouTube Trailer for an interesting looking game that hopely will be released soon. Let's also hope that Ubisoft won't screw it like everything else. The game is ...

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