Selasa, 15 November 2011

Skylanders Giants: Pop Fizz

Skylanders Giants: Pop Fizz

Estimated Price: EUR 9,99 (Check Latest Price)

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Product Description
Nuovo personaggio da utilizzare con il videogioco Skylander Giants, indipendentemente dalla piattaforma di gioco utilizzata. Non compatibile con il software Skylanders Spyros'Adventure ma solo con il software Skylanders Giants. Il gioco Skylanders Giants ti riporta nel fantastico mondo di Skylanders Spyros Adventure per intraprendere una nuova avventura assieme alla tua squadra di eroici Skylander, gli unici giocattoli action-figure che prendono magicamente vita nel videogioco! Utilizzando il mistico Portale del Potere potrai ora esplorare aree di Skylands mai viste prima, incontrando nuovi nemici, risolvendo numerosi enigmi, superando difficolt e ostacoli, collezionando oggetti e tesori. Scopri 20 nuovi personaggi da collezionare, tra cui gli Skylander Light-Core, che si illuminano magicamente, ma soprattutto i Giganti, gli esseri pi grandi e pi potenti di Skylands! Il gioco offre inoltre unavanzata integrazione tra console domestiche, portatili, mobile e luniverso online di Skylanders.

Skylanders: Giants - Meet the Skylanders - Pop Fizz (Motion of the ... Nobody is quite sure who Pop Fizz was before he became an alchemist, least of all Pop Fizz himself. After many years of experimenting with magical potions ... Skylanders Giants Pop Fizz Skylanders Giants Skylanders Giants Pop Fizz, find out everything you need to know about this brand new Magic Element Skylander from Skylanders Giants Skylanders Giants: Triple Packs -Pop Fizz, Whirlwind, and Trigger ... Buy Skylanders Giants: Triple Packs -Pop Fizz, Whirlwind, and Trigger Happy - Bring the Skylanders to Life! Bring the Skylanders to life by placing them on the ... Pop Fizz - Skylanders Giants Wiki Guide - IGN Pop Fizz is a new Skylander in Skylander Giants. In addition to the regular Pop Fizz, a Special Edition Figure can be found in the 3DS Starter Pack called Punch Pop Fizz Skylanders Giants LightCore Pop Fizz Skylanders Giants Skylanders Giants LightCore Pop Fizz, everything you need to know about this Magic LightCore Skylander from the Skylanders Giants Video Game. Skylanders Giants Pop Fizz Individual Character Pack for ... GameStop: Buy Skylanders Giants Pop Fizz Individual Character Pack, Activision, Collectibles, Find release dates, customer reviews, previews and screenshots. Pop Fizz - Skylanders Wiki "The Motion of the Potion!" Pop Fizz's official catchphrase Pop Fizz is an alchemist, who is one of the new Skylanders in Skylanders: Giants. Skylanders Giants Pop Fizz Unboxing (FGTV 2.27) - YouTube Live unboxing of the new Pop Fizz character for Skylanders Giants. We get an exclusive hands on with the new toy figure, and get a feel for the increased ... Activision Skylanders Giants Single Character Pack ... the giants story Thousands of years ago, the Giants fought epic battles in Skylands but were banished to Earth. With a new threat looming, it's time to bring them ... Pop Fizz - The Spyro Wiki - Spyro, Sparx, The Legend of Spyro ... Skylanders Giants - Meet the Skylanders - Pop Fizz (Motion of the Potion) (00:36) 7,070 views. Added by Aura24. Meet the Skylanders LightCore Pop Fizz (00:32) 2,450 views.

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